Welcome to the Uniting Church in
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales.
The Church in the Marketplace.
We are on the corner of Vernon Street and Gordon Street,
in the City Centre.
21 Gordon Street on your GPS.

Our regular service time
is 9.30 am, at Coffs Harbour.
The Leske family's annual Christmas light display raises funds for the Soup Place.
A cheque was presented by Bruce Leske on behalf of his family, at a recent church service, to Phil Crofts.
Thank you, everyone.
At the Cross-Roads
There is an old story:
It was a dark night.
The only light was the reflection of the moon on the snow that was falling quite heavily.
A doctor lazed around the surgery enjoying the warmth of an open
fire when he received a message . A mother was in labour but
there was some difficulty, and the mother and the child's life were in danger.
Now this particular mother lived way out in the country,
and it was quite a distance to travel to get to her-especially in the snow.
He was faced with a sort of cross-roads or a choice.
He could go one way and try to save the child's life
but most probably kill himself on the way.
Or he could take the other path and save his life
but then the child would most probably die.
When all we can see is the choice, the ideas or possible decisions,
we cannot see right or wrong or good or bad.
This is because there is no such thing as good or bad choices
or decisions, just good or bad consequences.There is no such thing as
a good or bad road; it all depends on what you do on the way.
At the cross-roads you cannot choose a wrong path.
An excerpt from:
'At the Cross-Roads'
A chapter from the book:
'We are only visiting'
Author Kathryn Carter
The Christian Resource Centre, (Grapevine Shop),
at the church, opened again on Monday, 3rd February at 10.30am.
Christian cards for a variety of occasions. Some hand-made.
Koorong Books.
A selection is available at our Grapevine Shop.
Stock is upgraded regularly.
Our Soup Place is open every week day
from 12.30 to 1.30.
Except Public Holidays.
Church Websites
For the latest information from Synod NSW/ACT
and our North Coast Presbytery
see these links:
Mid-North Coast Presbytery